Why Charitable Companies Donate is a No-Brainer

In 2016, charitable companies donated a whopping total of $18.55 billion. That’s a 3.5 percent increase from the previous year, and the trend is expected to continue and even accelerate in the years to come. We live in a more values-conscious market than ever before....

Flying Cars Take Off, Weathering FAA Turbulence

It lasted all of 53 seconds, and reached a height of just 16 feet, but aerospace experts agreed that the maiden voyage of the Airbus Vahana flying car may have been the first step in a great leap that changes how humans get around. It’s not so much the Vahana’s...

See you at these 3 Important Industry Events in April and May

Sapphire ceramic China and Sapphire ceramic China Ltd. are happy to be exhibiting at three important industry events – two of them which are free and open to the public – over the next two months. Today we will share with you: What the conferences are and why to go When and where How to see SCCL...